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Weekly Happenings- January 5

Weekly Happenings- January 5

To shop this picture, watch the YouTube video in this post! The outfit details are in the description box of the video.

Happy 2022!! Welcome to the first newsletter of the year!! I am so glad you’re here and let me just tell you how happy I am to have your support- if you read my newsletters, I hope you find inspiration through them to be the best version of yourself.

Productivity Tip of the Week

This week is the first week of the new year! I love a fresh start and I’m sure you do as well.  As annoying and *cringe* New Years Resolutions can be (almost as bad as fighting through the gym crowd in January), I hope you found my 4 part goal series helpful from December.  If you missed it, it’s in all of my Weekly Happenings posts from December.  

Did you know there’s a lot of psychology behind new years resolutions? You are more likely to start a new goal on the “First day of Spring” rather than “the third Sunday in March” even though those are the same day! 

There is so much science and psychology behind goals and resolutions and I find it so interesting- if you didn’t read along with my December goals challenge, I highly suggest reviewing the 4 posts and also reading Atomic Habits, which is a book that will change the way you see goals and resolutions. It really dives deep into your subconscious and the way we perceive goals and our identities.  It’s a fascinating read that will definitely help you set goals and stick to them!

Motivational/Inspirational Message of the Week

As I mentioned, goals and resolutions are easier when we have a “clean slate”, i.e. the New Year.  There’s nothing wrong with that! If anything, I think it’s so beautiful to see everyone feeling optimistic about the person they want to be in this brand new year.  I just hate to see about halfway through January when the gym crowd slims down (pun intended) and people start giving up their goals.  

Let me give you some inspo for this week: if you’ve already “messed up” at one of your goals, PLEASE do me a favor and just pick right back up where you left off.  I know how easy it is to be excited about a new goal, and then give up because you weren’t perfect.  But think about this: in December, it’s not going to matter if you didn’t meet that goal every day or every week.  What’s going to matter is that most of the year, you stuck to it.  That is what will make the most difference at the end of 2022. 

Outfit Favorites of the Week

I’ve been wearing this grey fuzzy cardigan a lot lately- it’s been so easy to just throw on over my workout outfits and still keep me warm! We are finally getting a cold front in NC after a few weeks of 70 degree weather, so I’m pulling out my barefoot dreams cardigan I purchased from QVC as well. I’ve also been loving my $16 Amazon slippers that are soooo comfy! These are perfect when it’s not super chilly out and you just want a little slipper for around the house.

New YouTube Video

Books I’m Loving

I’ve picked back up the After series on my Kindle and I’m also reading 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do which is turning out to be very helpful for me.  I joined the Good Reads website on my new Kindle and I made a personal goal to read 30 books this year! I really think I can do it- I’ve been reading for at least 2 hours every day since Christmas and it’s become something I really look forward to to unwind.  

Anything Else I have to tell you! 

You don’t need a “new start” and a fresh year to be your best self.  Just decide what changes you need to make and work on those changes each day. 

Xoxo, Jess 

Weekly Happenings- January 12

Weekly Happenings- January 12

Weekly Happenings- December 29

Weekly Happenings- December 29