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Weekly Happenings- December 29

Weekly Happenings- December 29

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Welcome to week four of my 4 part goal setting series!

Productivity Tip of the Week


So far this month, you’ve visualized, created broad goals. built out practical habits, and you’re ready to record your quarterly and yearly goals for 2022. You’ve also read the Atomic Habits book and you’ve learned why you may have failed at sticking to habits in the past. 

Now’s the time to write the quarterly goals and yearly goals in a planner.  Go ahead and pick your planner to stick with for the entire 2022 year.  I have an academic, so mine goes through July but that’s okay- I can write my goals in the planner and then in June I wrote a reminder to buy a new planner and record my yearly and quarterly goals in the new planner as soon as I get it! 

*edit* I bought a yearly planner this week from Target on a whim- I ended finding the perfect planner that includes a pouch to carry around pens inside which is priceless! Linking it below! 

Get some fun pens, whatever you need but please write out your goals and hold yourself accountable.  No one is going to follow up with you in March when quarter 1 goal check in comes. You have to be your biggest advocate and disciplinarian, and also your number 1 fan. I believe in you- and as Atomic Habits taught us, it’s time to change your narrative and be the person who sticks to goals and crushes your new year resolutions! 

Motivational/Inspirational Message of the Week

I’ve been sick as a dog the past week, but I’ve still found time to get my weekly blog posts published and work on my YouTube channel. Through this week of being so ill that I was literally bed-ridden for days, I realized what my “One Thing” is (I read The ONE Thing book months ago and also highly recommend that) and it was a hard pill to swallow. I identify as a creator of content- I love what I do and I am passionate. But I don’t find joy from Instagram. It leads me to compare myself to others and I suffer from impostor syndrome. What I truly love is writing these posts every week and my YouTube channel. 

Sometimes it takes months and years of failure at something and forcing it to work to realize that’s not what you want to do anyways. I feel so free knowing that I’m going to stop putting pressure on myself to post on Instagram and instead only show up with what I feel passionate about. If there’s something that is causing you to feel anxiety or to feel like you’re not good enough, I suggest you do what’s best for your mental health and your own goals and limit exposure to that thing. Focus on what really makes you feel motivated and inspired. 

Outfit Favorites of the Week

Seeing as I was in bed or on the couch all week feeling terrible, my barefoot dreams robe saved the day every single day. I’ve lived in this thing. This robe is so amazing that my husband, my mom, my sister, brother-in-law, dad, and my parents best friends all received one for Christmas! The entire family is obsessed and for such a good reason- it’s the coziest and warmest robe ever. 

New YouTube Video

Maybe when I can breathe through my nose again I’ll have one… Here’s last week’s!

Books I’m Loving

I finished One Day in December on my brand new Kindle that I got for Christmas which is SO exciting, and it was such an amazing book. I really enjoy reading fiction like that to escape from my job this time of year and it’s been a nice distraction from being sick. I just got a new fiction book called A Not So Meet Cute and it has rave reviews so I’ll see how I like it! 

Anything Else I have to tell you! 

Stay healthy out there! Tons of terrible colds and flus going around since this is the first holiday season in 2 years that we’ve all been out and about more than usual since the COVID outbreak. Remember to feed your immune system with immunity boosting foods and vitamins and don’t forget to wash your hands and don’t touch your face while you’re out and about!  

Xoxo, Jess 

Weekly Happenings- January 5

Weekly Happenings- January 5

Weekly Happenings- December 22

Weekly Happenings- December 22