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Weekly Happening- July 20

Weekly Happening- July 20

Productivity Tip of the Week


When it comes to scheduling out my week, I tend to be a little too aggressive, leading me to not complete a lot of items on my to do list, and a feeling of inadequacy. My tip for you this week is to stop scheduling so much- I learned the hard way that scheduling just the top 5 most important tasks for every day (sometimes including just making dinner!) is the way to get more done in the long run. You feel better about your productivity, you feel more motivated and inspired to keep crossing things off your list tomorrow, and you are getting things done!

Motivational/Inspirational Message of the Week

I have been doing a lot of reading lately on the universal laws and Law of Attraction, and my life has changed for the better! One morning things started to really unravel for me. I had done my morning routine since I had skipped Monday, and I did a workout and yoga and was feeling amazing. Until I had to start packing all of my stuff for the office. I packed my lunch, my snacks, my breakfast smoothie, my coffee, my water bottle and my personal belongings and lugged it all out to my car. Then I remembered I forgot my clothes to change into for my monthly Chiropractor appointment, and I instantly got set off. I tried putting all of my crap in my car, but our driveway is on a hill and the car door keeps closing on me which just pisses me off to no end. Unfortunately for him, my husband was standing there with me and I started complaining to him about how stupid it is I have to lug all of my things every single day just so I can do the same work from an office 30 minutes away and sit there allllll day.

Just like Abraham Hicks says, if you keep thinking about that thing that bothers you, don’t worry, it will get bigger!

Sure enough- I slam my car door, I start to rub off on my husband who gets a little annoyed, I stomp upstairs, and get all of my clothes together. In the process, I break a fingernail that I just painted two days prior. I get back in my car and speed off and the tears start flowing.

But something incredible happened. I was crying, feeling pitiful and angry and upset, and then feeling guilty that I’m crying about my blessed life, when I recognized my low vibration and I remembered I can change this. I put on my Abraham Hicks morning meditation, and here is the message I sent my husband when he later asked me how I was doing mid morning:


It’s truly incredible the power we have over our thoughts. It’s so true that feelings and vibrations have momentum and when you are thinking negative thoughts, more negative thoughts creep in. And more, and more, and more. Same for positive energy and happy thoughts. The more positive thoughts you think, another like it will follow, and another, and another, and another, and before you know it you will be in a different vibrational pattern all together.

Jewelry of the Week

Loving Kendra Scott’s new arrivals and been wearing these non-stop!

These earrings are so cute and convertible, so you can take off the charms or add more to customize them! Wear them alone with just the gold beads or add the charms.

This double layered necklace is stunning on, and I have gotten so many complements on it as well.

I’ve been wearing these earrings non stop- and every time I wear them, I get so many compliments- even from co-workers who don’t pay attention to clothes or jewelry much!

This Kendra Scott ring has the most stunning bright coral stone which enhances a tan in the summer.

Outfit Favorites of the Week

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is ON , so I found these two shoes that are almost exact dupes for two shoes in the Anniversary sale. These don’t ship for a few weeks, which is fine considering it’s still mid-summer here in NC! Here they are (the first 2 are the dupes from Kellparker, the second 2 are from Nordstrom):

My Lululemon favorites I’ve been wearing all week for working out and lounging around the house. This t-shirt dress is new to my collection and I can’t get enough of it (color: Spiced Chai)- same with the Align Bra (color: reversible White and Wee are from Space Nimbus Battleship) and these crop tees, which I have in 2 colors (Black and Trench):

New YouTube Video

Books I’m Loving

After (The After Series Book 1)- a romance novel that’s so good to read while floating in the pool on my summer weekends! Just started this and I look forward to reading it every single day!

Ask and It Is Given- This book singlehandedly changed my life and my entire world. ‘Nuff said, you have to read it slowly and take in every page. It takes a lot of focus to get through but will change your life.

Anything Else I have to tell you!

This is a super exciting debut for me- I feel like this “Weekly Happening” post is the outlet I’ve been waiting for. All it took was a morning of contract and negative emotion to birth this idea and I am so grateful! I love having something to look forward to every Tuesday now- don’t forget to subscribe so you can get these posts weekly in your inbox!

xoxo, jess

Weekly Happening- July 27

Weekly Happening- July 27

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Dupes

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Dupes