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Weekly Happenings- February 27

Weekly Happenings- February 27

Productivity Tip of the Week

Last week, I mentioned getting the most integral to-dos done first thing in the morning. I’m sticking to that still, and that’s still my number one tip lately.  I have been really good at getting my most important items checked off my list first thing, and I swear it’s the secret to feeling free. 

I just started doing my workouts first thing again like I used to when I worked in the office.  For the past few months since working from home, I’ve really enjoyed the slower mornings with coffee and a book, but recently my work load has picked up during the day and I’m no longer finding time to workout mid day; if I am, I’m stressed during the workout thinking about what I need to be doing instead. 

Now, at least for a few more weeks, I’m making it a goal to get my workouts done first thing, followed by my YouTube editing since those two items are the most important on my list every day.  That way, the rest of the day can go south with my job and I still feel accomplished in my personal life. 

Motivational/Inspirational Message of the Week

In order to get those important items done first thing, I need to wake up earlier.  If I need to be out of bed 30 minutes earlier, I need to go to bed an hour earlier.  I also need to lay out my workout outfit for the next morning so I’m not wasting any time looking through my closet.  

These are sacrifices that may seem almost impossible at first. They also seem terrible when you’re actually waking up 30 minutes earlier and it’s still dark outside and you’re so exhausted. But it gets better. You will eventually wake up and you will feel amazing after you accomplish your goals first thing in the day.  That night, you’ll be tired earlier in the evening and you’ll go to sleep easier.  You’ll sleep better knowing you had a productive day.  And each day, you will be more and more excited about that feeling and it will be easier and easier. 

Outfit Favorites of the Week

I’m releasing an Abercrombie spring haul next week on my YouTube channel, but I had such a good haul and wanted to link everything here for you to shop early. 

I’m also waiting on an Outdoor Voices exercise dress to come in the mail so I can compare that to my Abercrombie one- I will only be keeping one of them, but linking them both. 

New YouTube Video

I totally skipped last week because I moved my posting up a few days, and I was traveling last weekend.  I didn’t give myself enough time and planning to get two videos scheduled in one week, but now I’m back on schedule! This week’s new video is my most used Amazon purchases: 

Books I’m Loving

“Regretting You” by Colleen Hoover was so so so good! Loved this book so much. I finished it and now I’m reading another novel, which makes 13/30 books this year! 

Anything Else I have to tell you! 

Last week I mentioned my seasonal depression really got to me and what I was doing to help combat my feelings of darkness. This week has been so much better.  Some things I do to help feel in control and truly happy: 

  • Light a new candle every day: switching between scents based on my mood and working next to that scent is a small joy that I love.

  • Staying hydrated: I have been drinking *almost* a gallon of water every day (linking the water bottle I use below) and it makes me feel so alive and not sluggish.

  • Walking outside: In addition to my treadmill run goal of 10 miles a month and my daily workouts, I will go on a walk around my neighborhood with my dog every day unless it’s raining. Getting fresh air like this daily does wonders for my mental health.

  • Self care: I have a bad habit of picking my face whenever I’m stressed. I have paid extra attention to not picking my face, not looking too close in a mirror, and I’ve spend extra time on skin care in the mornings and evenings. I’ve also chosen to do face masks a few nights just because it makes me feel like I’m doing something for myself.

Xoxo, Jess 

Weekly Happenings- March 6

Weekly Happenings- March 6

Weekly Happenings- February 20

Weekly Happenings- February 20