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Weekly Happening- September 7

Weekly Happening- September 7

Productivity Tip of the Week

I’ve mentioned this in past weeks, but doing the “ONE” thing that is most important is LIFE-CHANGING.  I have been reading “The ONE Thing” the past few weeks and I relate so much to many of the points the author discusses.  I am a checklist gal- I make a long to-do list and then after checking all the boxes still feel like I didn’t do enough.  You know why?! It’s because all those items are just “nice to dos”, not “must dos”!  

He talks about the difference between a to-do list and a success list.  

Motivational/Inspirational Message of the Week

I feel like if I don’t do a lot in a day, I’ve wasted the day.  However, I am quickly learning through the book and through practicing it lately, that doing that one thing that will get me closer to my life goals each day is so much more fulfilling than doing a bunch of smaller household chores or items that don’t really get me to my goal in life.  

It feels great to check a lot of items off your to-do list, but try to find the one most important item and get that done first.  Once that is done, you will feel much more motivated to get a lot more done and feel like you have accomplished so much every day.  

Something I wanted to touch on this week is how to deal with the opinions of others.  I have been receiving more opinions lately about being vegetarian and leaving my job for a new one.  It’s a difficult thing sometimes to not argue other people’s opinions, but please don’t get caught up in trying to share your opinions with everyone and everything.  I just smile and say “Yeah I understand” and move on.  So, my secret of how to deal with the opinions of others is to just not deal with them! Move on and try your best to send them loving vibes and energy and move on.  

Jewelry of the Week

These Kendra Scott pieces I have worn almost every day this past week.  I also ordered the mini gold hoops from Etsy and they are on their way to my house! I want to keep them in all the time in my second lobe piercing and my cartilage piercing, so I invested in these that are gold and not just gold plated. 

Outfit Favorites of the Week

These jeans are no joke $22 and almost out of stock- but they are SO comfy! I wore them this weekend with my black Abercrombie henley bodysuit.  I also have the itch for another pair of Lululemon Aligns, specifically in the color “Hideaway Camo Deep Coal Multi”. I had you all help me decide between three colors in my Instagram story, and this color is TO DIE FOR! I love the black pattern.  And no, it doesn’t really look like camo (I HATE camo with a deep passion) but just a really cute textured pattern. 

New YouTube Video

Last week’s Weekly Happening was all about my life changing event- and in this video a spend about 7 minutes doing my makeup and having a chat with you about how the job came about and how I really worked to manifest it in my life and trust the universe to deliver.  I also do a small hair roller tutorial and take you decorating my house for fall with me!

Books I’m Loving

I am almost done with “Why We Sleep” which is just fascinating and has taught me so much about how important 7-9 hours of sleep every night is.  I also have mentioned but the book “The ONE Thing” is what I am in the middle of, reading some everyday, and learning so much from! I have Mack reading “Ask and It Is Given” by Abraham Hicks because it changed my life so much, and so far he loves it! 

Anything Else I have to tell you!

I have a week off next week in between jobs, and I’m excited to finish my closet purge which I am in the midst of, and a week of mind and body health to get ready for a brand new, work from home job! 

Weekly Happening- September 14

Weekly Happening- September 14

Weekly Happening- August 31

Weekly Happening- August 31